On domain and web hosting

Is it the right time or not?

I’ve been pondering about this over a few months now as I badly wanted to get my own domain. I’ve been searching hi and low for several web hosting services before I stumble upon this certain site, the best blog hosting site that has everything one needs. If one, like me, doesn’t have any idea about domain and web hosting, might as well visit the site as you can see there top ten web hosting sites as well as free domain names. Isn’t that great?

But of course, getting my own domain and web hosting has been neglected by who else, but me as I’ve been given several tasks making me too busy to even update my two blogs. Like now, even being on my 22nd week now, I’ve accepted our company’s offer to send me together with my colleague to a 5-Sunday CCNA boot camp in Manila. Afterwards, I need to focus on reviewing for the exam as I plan to get the certification before I took a leave. I do hope I can fulfil all my plans before seeing the little angel in my tummy.

Anyways, I almost have decision already on what bottles to get for the little angel. Back to domain and web hosting, should I get it or not?


One response to “On domain and web hosting”

Anonymous said...
December 19, 2011 at 1:26 PM

I know that, It is the right time for this discussion because now a domain and hosting has many competitions. It works great... Buy domains