Iron Man 2

Last Friday, the husband together with his nephew and sister went to Supreme Court for the latter's roll signing. On the other hand, me and my colleague went to Bench Fix at Glorietta for a hair cut.

iron man 2 Afterwards, I meet them at Glorietta's Food court for dinner. Ate shop for two suits and off we went to Festival Mall to watch Iron Man 2.

The mall was already closed when we arrived but the guards allow us to come in as we are a total of four who will watch the last full show.

I expected more for this movie. The phase of the story was so slow that it bored me while the villain was being established in the movie. The "action" part where Iron Man, War Machine and Ivan met was way too short also. It was bitin. I was even telling the husband that it took only a minute or two for the two to kill the villain.

Over all, the movie was simply ok for me. Not to die for but I'd still watch the next sequel, hehe! What I hated about it was we didn't finish the creadits, argh!!!

Next movie in line, this time a movie date for Joshua and the husband is The Last Airbender. I just hope the movie will give justice to the cartoons that we finished in one seating.


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